Dylan Kelley
Digital Storyteller

Dissent & Dissonance
Bursting into being in September of 2011, the Occupy Wall Street movement flashed across the globe with a message of anti-capitalism, anarchism, and direct action against the status quo.
Re-igniting radical discourse and dissent, Occupy galvanized movements across the entire spectrum of modern dissent: anti-capitalism, climate justice, home foreclosure, education, and labor rights to name just a few.
Focusing on the year 2012, I traveled over 15,000 miles with Occupiers and documented their struggles in New York, Chicago, Tampa, and other sites across the United States.

The Library

Occupiers march on Washington in January in protest of unfair representation in Congress.

Occupiers march on Washington in January in protest of unfair representation in Congress.

Occupiers march on Washington in January in protest of unfair representation in Congress.

Occupiers march on Washington in January in protest of unfair representation in Congress.

Activists protest the continued operation of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant.

Concord, New Hampshire

Concord, New Hampshire

Concord, New Hampshire

Attempting to enter the Republican Presidential debate, an Occupier is thwarted and arrested.

Attempting to enter the Republican Presidential debate, an Occupier is thwarted and arrested.

Attempting to enter the Republican Presidential debate, an Occupier is thwarted and arrested.

Attempting to enter the Republican Presidential debate, an Occupier is thwarted and arrested.

Attempting to enter the Republican Presidential debate, an Occupier is thwarted and arrested.

Attempting to enter the Republican Presidential debate, an Occupier is thwarted and arrested.

Attempting to enter the Republican Presidential debate, an Occupier is thwarted and arrested.