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Dylan Kelley
Digital Storyteller

Community defines and informs the best of America's small towns. During my time serving as the Community Engagement Coordinator with the City of Winooski, I had the privilege of witnessing a vibrant and diverse community celebrate anniversaries, adapt and manage growing pains, and get their hands dirty as they unfolded their own particular version of what a good life might look like in a town of only 1.4 square miles.
I find there's a certain un-sweetened truth that comes with recognizing and honoring the foundations of a community. Like black coffee; invigorating, occasionally frustrating, and surprisingly complex; the unique process of a changing community fostering dialogue with itself is the unrecognized catalyst of contemporary America.

Winooski Green Up Day

Winooski Green Up Day

Winooski Green Up Day

Winooski Summer Teen Employment

Winooski Summer Teen Employment

Winooski Summer Teen Employment

Winooski Summer Teen Employment

Winooski Summer Teen Employment

Winooski Community Dinner

Winooski Memorial Library Supporters

Winooski Homework Help

Winooski Homework Help

Winooski Youth Soccer League

Winooski Youth Soccer League

Winooski Youth Soccer League

Winooski Youth Soccer League

Winooski Homework Help

MLK Day of Service

MLK Day of Service

MLK Day of Service

Winooski Public Works Mural Creation

Winooski Public Works Mural Creation

Winooski Public Works Mural Creation
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